
Fake Christmas Tree, or Au Naturel?

For some people the same question comes up year after year. Should you buy a real or fake Christmas tree? Both have their pros and cons, but ultimately the decision is up to you as to which is your preference. Keep reading and we will break down the pros and cons for both types of trees.

Let’s start with a real Christmas tree…


  • You can’t get more authentic that this.
  • If you love the smell of fresh pine, look no further.
  • You help support local farmers who grow these. The majority of these trees are locally grown and are cut from sustainable sources. By purchasing a real tree, you help keep these farmers in business.
  • Real trees can be recycled and are environmentally friendly.
  • You’ll have a one of a kind unique tree since there are no two that are the same.
  • Picking a tree can be a family tradition to kick start the holiday season.


  • Since the trees are real, you will have to deal with real bugs.
  • Pesticides to deal with the bugs. Some of these pesticides should not be used indoors and have been known to cause harmful effects on the nervous systems. So if you are going to buy a real tree, make sure to avoid those that have been treated with certain pesticides.
  • You will have to worry about shedding of the pine needles. If you are a lazy old sod... or someone who hates sweeping (who actually likes sweeping?) a real tree might not be ideal for you.

Now let’s move to fake... or faux... Christmas trees… Ohh la la


  • They’re convenient and durable. When you purchase a fake tree, these can last for years and years with the proper care.
  • They come in a range of prices. Making them more affordable.
  • Some can come already decorated. Talk about a lazy Christmas!
  • You can select from fun colors and variations of designs. If you want to be untraditional, you should probably go this route.
  • You don’t have to spend money each year to get a real tree. That means more prezzies!


  • Many are made with PVC which is known to emit dioxin during its production.
  • Many trees cannot be recycled, so this means you will be adding to the planet’s waste when you decide you want a new one.

Personally, if I had to make a decision, I would go with a real tree. While a fake tree is convenient, there are too many risks with them. The fake trees are definitely not kid-friendly and are not eco-friendly. Of course if you have no other choice (let’s say you’re allergic to pine) then by all means purchase a fake tree. Ultimately you need to balance which tree is best for you. Your home, personal situation, and financial situation are all determining factors as to which tree would be best for you.

Good luck making your choice this year! 


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Humbug! Ways to Get into the Christmas Spirit

Sometimes despite all the decorations, party invitations, and daily cards received in the mail, you may not be in the Christmas spirit. Sometimes as we grow up, we tend to lose that childlike innocence that used to make Christmas wonderful. Instead, we think about bills, dealing with in-laws, or how fat we’re going to get eating all those Christmas dinners.

If you feel your Christmas spirit has been lacking, you are not alone. But we are here to help. Hopefully one of these will bring back that excitement you usually have this time of year.

  • Listen to your favorite Christmas music. Maybe the music on the radio isn’t cutting it for you. Why not throw on your favorite Christmas album while you clean or on your way to work? By listening to your favourites, you may notice a change in your mood.

  • Be positive. Yes, being an adult can take the magic away when it comes to the holidays but that doesn’t mean it should make you a grump. Try to stay optimistic of your holiday season. You may have to do or deal with things you'd prefer not to, but it doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the positive aspects of it.

  • Get into the gift of giving. Christmas isn’t always about commercialism. The greatest gift sometimes is giving to someone in need. So why not volunteer at a shelter or food bank. Give back to the community or to those who really need it. Sometimes just helping others can lift your spirits.

  • Spend time with people you want to spend time with. If you’re feeling blue during the holiday season, why not get together with some friends and just hang out. Make it a movie marathon where every person needs to pick out their favorite. It’s a great way to catch up with friends old and new and to spread some holiday cheer. 

  • Put your tree up early. If waiting to put your tree up isn’t doing it for you, why not set it up earlier? Or maybe you don’t put up a tree because you’re single or have no children. That definitely may be a reason why you haven’t been able to get into the holiday spirit. So invest some money into a tree and decorate it. Make sure it’s in an area where you can’t miss it. Put a ton of lights on it and make it festive. It can even be a small tree, just the fact you are partaking in a holiday tradition can help.

  • Cook or bake your favorite holiday treat. Let’s say your aunt bakes your favorite cookies during the holidays. The smell and taste immediately makes you smile. Why not ask her for the recipe so you can make it for yourself at home? Creating or making something nostalgic can instantly boost your spirit.

Don’t let being an adult ruin your holiday spirit. Try some of these ideas and see how you’re feeling after. Remember, Christmas time isn’t about the stress or the materialistic things, it has and should always be about love, giving, and family.

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Tips and Tricks on Packing Away Your Christmas Decorations

When Christmas is over, we always dread the thought of packing away our Christmas decorations. While it may not be the most enjoyable task, it doesn’t mean it should be avoided. If you take the time and properly pack away your decorations, they will last you for years and years, and also save you a ton of money down the road. If you are at a loss as to how to efficiently pack away your Christmas decorations, here are some tips and tricks that will help you get a yearly packing routine down.

  • Invest in durable, clear plastic containers. You want to be able to see what you have at a glance so clear containers are the best way to go. Make sure they’re not too deep or large. You don’t want to over pack them and be unable to lift them.

  • Sort your decorations. Once you get the boxes, do not throw everything into together. You’ll be spending hours the year after trying to figure out what goes where. Instead divide and categorize your decorations. For example, your outdoor decorations and lights should be together while your tree ornaments and lights should be separate. Once you have figured out and divvied everything up properly, label your containers accordingly.

  • Clean your decorations. Fabric pieces such as linens, stocking, or your tree skirts should be laundered before you put them away. You’re probably wondering why you would even want to do this step. Well, if you have any stains or dirt on these items, it’ll be easier to get rid of them now than a year later. Plus, it preserves the quality of the fabric and provides longevity.
  • Type out an inventory list of everything you have. Make a spreadsheet of all your decorations according to which container they are stored into. The list should also be taped onto the container so you can quickly glance over it. This allows you to avoid repetitive purchases and helps to keep the organisation.

  • Untangle your lights and place them in their own individual bag. The last thing you want to be doing the next year is sitting on the floor with a mess of tangled lights. Take the time now and untangle each one. Once you’re done, place the lights in a sealable bag. Do this for each strand you have that way you dramatically decrease your chances of another tangled mess.

  • Don’t throw away packaging for ornaments. For fragile ornaments, it’s best to keep the packaging. This will provide enough protection. If you happened to toss the packaging, don’t stress, just use tissue paper or bubble wrap and carefully wrap each one. Then you must make sure to place these ornaments on the top so they do not get crushed or broken at the bottom of the container.

Yes it can be a little sad knowing the Christmas season is over, but think how easy it will be to unpack and decorate your home the following year after following these tips and tricks! Don’t worry, it’ll be the holiday time before you know it.

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Office Christmas Party Do’s and Don'ts

We all want to let loose with our colleagues during the Christmas party. But how loose is too loose? In order to avoid embarrassment and regrets, here is the lists of do’s and don’ts for your next office Christmas party. Remember, you have to see these people on a daily basis after the party is over.

  • DO wear something appropriate. If you are not sure what the dress code is, ask the person hosting the party. You don’t want to be overdressed, but you don’t want to come in too casual either.
  • DON’T drink too much. That Christmas punch may be mighty tasty, but if you feel yourself getting a bit tipsy, don’t go for another glass. The last thing you want to do is look sloppy in front of your co-workers and superiors.
  • DON’T partake in the gossip. Even if this is social hour, you should still consider yourself in a professional environment. Don’t spread any type or rumors and don’t join in the conversation that your colleagues are having.
  • DO talk about life outside of work. Instead of gossiping, talk about your family or things you enjoy out of the office.
  • DON’T leave the party after an hour. Stay for a considerable amount of time. Leaving early makes you seem antisocial and not appreciative of the effort that has been put into the party. Relax and have fun!
  • DO spend time mingling. This is a great opportunity to get to know your co-workers in a different environment other than work. You never know, you may form lasting friendships by mingling with others at your office Christmas party!
  • DO enjoy your food. Even if you are watching what you eat, make sure you accommodate this date so you can enjoy your food. While no one will pressure you to try that delicious bacon wrapped shrimp, you can’t help but feel you are missing out if you decide not to try one.
  • DON’T flirt inappropriately. Alcohol and socializing usually makes people bolder. Even if you are interested in someone, don’t overstep your boundaries. Especially if your job has a strict no dating policy among co-workers. Smile, chit-chat, but don’t do anything else you would regret the next morning.
  • DON’T stay next to one person the entire night. Even if they are your office BFF, it seems clingy and anti-social. Break it up once in a while and talk with other people you know.
  • DON’T play with your phone all night. Put the phone away for the night and enjoy the company of those around you. After all, that’s why you came in the first place!
  • DO bring a gift as a token of appreciation. If the party was planned by someone at the office or is taking place in your superior’s home, bring a gift to show your gratitude. Chances are it took some time to get this Christmas party planned and you don’t want their effort to go unnoticed. The gift doesn’t have to be expensive, just thoughtful.

When it comes to holiday office party, always use your judgment. Do what you think is best and you should get by juuuuust fine!


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How to Throw a Rockin’ Christmas Party

It’s your turn to host this year’s Christmas event. Now you don’t want to be remembered as the person who threw a dud of a party. In fact, you cringe in fear just thinking of people leaving the party because it was just too boring to bear anymore. If you find yourself freaking out about planning a Christmas party, take a moment and relax. It’s not as complex as you think it is. Here are some great tips for you on how to throw a rockin’ Christmas bash.

  • Plan, plan, plan. Do not “wing” your party. When you don’t outline what you need or want for your bash, chaos is likely to ensue. For example, the food may run out before the night is over or even worse, the booze is all gone before the night has even started. I don’t know about you, but that definitely doesn’t sound fun. So plan out your event and take time to consider all aspects of your Christmas party.

  • Think about what you enjoy most at Christmas events. Is it the games? The food? The socializing? Pick what you enjoy about some parties you’ve been to and incorporate that into your event.

  • Stick with a theme. Parties can quickly become too expensive if people continue to add to the theme of their party. Think of a theme and stick with it. I don’t care how great those reindeer headbands are; if it doesn’t go with the theme, don’t buy it.

  • Don’t send out invites too late. During the holidays, friends and family are quick to make plans. If you don’t want them to miss out on your awesome party, send invites out early and people can make sure their day is free. Plus being early is much more considerate than sending out a mass text message the day before the party (you might send it the wrong people).

  • Keep decorations simple. You don’t need to go over the top to have a stunning party. While you want a touch of the holiday spirit, you also want the party to reflect a bit of your personality. Your friends and family will recognise that. Also, over decorating can lead to disaster as well. It’s best to have fewer decorations and more room for guests to dance and mingle.

  • Keep the menu tasty but easy to make. Hors d’oeuvres and canapes are easy to make and also take less than let's say, a traditional dinner. If you are planning to do an entire dinner spread, make sure to prep the night before. Then all you have to do is cook or bake your dishes instead of spending all day cutting and cleaning.

  • Include a small goodie bag to thank guests for coming. Want to be known as the best host for a Christmas party? Give each guest a small goodie bag when they leave. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Be creative and try to think of something unique but also useful. Your guests will think this is a thoughtful touch to cap off the night.
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